Theraplay® workshop Tuesday 19 March 2024

Course date: Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Theraplay® is a technique that enhances attachment, engagement, self-esteem, and trust in others. It is based on natural patterns of healthy interaction between parent and child and uses emotional, attuned, interactive and structured play and activities.

Theraplay® promotes developing secure attachment and sensory and emotional regulation. It involves emotionally attuned, interactive, and physical play and nurturing touch is an integral part of the interactions.

This workshop will give participants the opportunity to:

  • Explore the origins of Theraplay®.
  • Learn about the four key functions of Theraplay®.
  • Try some Theraplay® activities as a group.
  • Consider some of the benefits of and wonderings about Theraplay®.

The workshop will be taking place online via Microsoft Teams on Tuesday 19 March 2024 from 9.30am - 12.30pm. To register interest in this workshop please complete the booking form.

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