Family Adoption Services
Adoption East Midlands' post adoption team, Adoption Support, provides a range of services for adoptive families, adopted adults and birth families. The team is made up of experienced qualified social workers who have specialist adoption experience. Areas where the Adoption Support team can provide support include:
Events and training
As well as providing workshops on life story work, therapeutic parenting and other practical skills, we also organise socialising events for you to meet other adopters in the area and Young People Events for your child to meet other adopted children. See our events calendar for details of upcoming events.
Life story work
As your child gets older you may find them asking questions and you may no longer have enough information about their history. Alternatively you may want help sharing their birth history. Our pages on Identity, Life Story and Telling will provide more information.
Letterbox service
If you have a letterbox arrangement with your child's birth parents and you adopted your child through Adoption East Midlands, our Letterbox Team will provide support on managing this arrangement.
You can find out more about the Letterbox service here.
Advice and support
If your child is having difficulties in school or you need support managing your child's behaviour and understanding their history, our team can help. Read through our pages on Parenting, Safer Caring, Health & Wellbeing and Education and if you have any further questions or need for support, get in touch with us or visit the adoption support page.
Adoption Support Fund
The Adoption Support Fund currently provides monies for therapeutic services to support adopted children up to their 22nd birthday (age 25 with special educational needs and disabilities) and their families where specific criteria are met and where local therapeutic services are not available from CAMHS or Adoption East Midlands.
Applications require an Adoption Support Assessment, which is completed by a Adoption Support worker and the child’s adoptive parent/s who decide together on the agency to provide the therapy and on how to review outcomes.
Further resources
Adoption Support Fund Information - Guidance from AdoptionUK.